
Lacombe Fresh is Gull Valley Greenhouses and Doefs Greenhouses bringing you locally grown produce, year-round! We specialize in greenhouse grown cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant. Over 40 years of experience! Our vegetables are picked at the peak of ripeness – the tomatoes are ripened on the vine and picked twice a week, the peppers are picked at about 90% ripeness, also twice a week, and the cucumbers are picked every day since they grow more quickly. From picking, they are packed and shipped within a couple of hours, or packed and kept in a cooler until market time, the next day. We use “Integrated Pest Management (IPM)” to minimize the use of pesticides in the greenhouse. This means that we make use of “biological pest controls” to eliminate the pests in the greenhouse – controls such as introducing predators to feed on the pests.