
Nadine has always made homemade breads using flour she milled herself so she started baking whole grain breads for market. She then took on the challenge of learning to make sourdough breads and things started growing from there, expanding their product line and the number of markets they attended. Her son, Nathaniel became her business partner in 2018 and started learning how to bake. In the Spring of 2019 they renovated their garage and family room and turned them into a commercial bakery. What started out as a small project (20 breads and a few cinnamon buns/week) has grown beyond what they ever dreamt possible. They now bake over 600 breads and 540 cinnamon buns every weekend along with all our other products. With the help of Jerry, her husband, and other son, Matthew, who help with sales at the markets Nadine continues to try new ideas and works at creating new recipes. You won’t find our recipes anywhere as they are all unique to Nadine and her creations.